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All You Need to Know About STD Testing:

Generally people use to deal with various health problems and they will get the proper treatment for that. For a normal health related problem, they will immediately go to a hospital and get medical attention. Today most of the individuals are facing sex related problems but they do not know the right way to treat that. In fact many do not even know that they are affected by those problems. People’s knowledge towards their sexual health is very poor hence they do not take any action to treat such problems. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) one of the serious problems by which many people are suffering.

What is STD?

Individuals are affected by sexually transmitted diseases when infections passed from a person to another person in the time of sexual intercourse. People do not know that they are affected by this disease until the severity of the problem increases. These infections will not cause any symptoms and that is the main reason why the problem is also known as sexually transmitted infections. There are different types of sexually transmitted infections or diseases. However, people can protect them from the disease by practicing safer sex.

When they are having sex in a safer way, they can stay away from this sexually transmitted disease. Moreover, it is always better to take regular test so that they can get take immediate action to treat the problem. If they do not consider this as a serious factor then they may have to deal with many problems.

When Do STI Symptoms Appear?

A person could have sexually transmitted infection or STI without him knowing. The causative agents of these infections could reside in the body silently for years. How soon the symptoms of these diseases appear is dependent on the type of infection. The time of appearance of symptoms varies from days to years. Sometimes only no to mild symptoms appear.

If, due to any reason, you think that you have contracted the STI, you should go to your physician for instant and confidential checkups or you can find the local or online STI testing service. Here given are the symptoms of the most common STIs.


In the Chlamydia infection, symptoms appear within a week or three, but it may take more than that. The most common symptoms are:

  • Abnormal discharge from penis or vagina
  • Bleeding from vagina after sex
  • Vaginal bleeding other than periods
  • Painful urination
  • Testicular pain in males
  • Pelvic pain in females

Around 70% males and 50% females don’t show any symptoms of disease at all.

Genital Herpes

The person who has genital herpes may not show any symptoms for years. In many people, this infection resides silently in the body. But in cases, it may appear after four to seven days. Its symptoms include:

  • Painful blisters around genital areas
  • Itchy feeling around genitals
  • Painful urination

Genital Warts

Its symptoms can take as small as two weeks, to three months or several years. Its symptoms are:

  • Itchy fleshy bumps or growth around anal or vaginal region


The symptoms of Gonorrhea could appear within two weeks, but it might take much longer than that. Its symptoms include:

  • Yellow or green color penile or vaginal discharge
  • Painful urination
  • 50% females don’t show any symptoms and so do 10% men

Pubic Lice and Scabies

After five days to five weeks of exposure, symptoms may appear; but it may take longer than that. Its symptoms are:

  • Itchy genitals
  • Small blood spots on skin near genitals
  • Black spot appear on underwear
  • Rashes appear that are small and red


After getting the infection, symptoms appear after two to three weeks; but could take more or less than that. Its symptoms include:

  • Small painless ulcers in the genital regions, one or more
  • A blotchy rash may appear
  • Flu like symptoms that last long
  • The symptoms don’t stay for many days but come and go


In Trichomoniasis, symptoms can take up to four weeks for appearing, but it may take more than that. The most common symptoms of this infection are:

  • Abnormal vaginal or penile discharge
  • Painful urination
  • Itchy vaginal opening

Around 50% of males and females don’t know they are carrying this disease as they don’t have any symptoms.


The appearance of symptoms can take up to two to six weeks. Its symptoms include:

  • Flu like symptoms: fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, and a sore throat
  • A red rash on any body part

These symptoms don’t appear in every HIV infected individual but when they do, they only last for one or two weeks. After the disappearance of these symptoms, the disease can rest in your body for year before producing any symptoms.

Do You Need to Get Tested STD?

Generally individuals use to think whether they need to get tested for sexually transmitted disease. Moreover they will also wonder whether their partner needs a test. Otherwise they would simply like to know about the sexually transmitted diseases in order to be preventive. For any of these purposes, they can make use of the internet sources or they can consult with a medical expert. Get to know about the problem will always help them to be safe. In order to make sure their sexual health, they can get a test.

Though there are no proper symptoms for the sexually transmitted diseases, it is recommended to get test if you are dealing with the following issues.

  • You may feel sore in genitals.
  • Itching in penis or vagina.
  • Irritation in the time of urination.

These are some symptoms which may result in sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore you need to get immediate medical attention when you are feeling any of these symptoms. However as it is mentioned already, these are not the appropriate symptoms for sexually transmitted diseases. You might have affected by the problem but you will have no symptoms. Therefore when you not feeling good in the sexual health, you need to get proper test and ensure your well-being. If you had sex with your partner without using any safety barriers then it is better to get a test so that you can get to know whether you are infected or not. This will give you peace of mind.

How STD is Tested?

Sexually transmitted diseases can be tested in different ways and it will be based on the severity of the problem. The medical expert will consider the affected person’s medical and sexual history. Generally for women pelvic exam will be conducted to find out whether they are affected by sexually transmitted problem. In case of men, the test procedure will be different. Those who are having the infection will be treated immediately and they will be brought into routine checkups. Remember to use our special STD testing coupon codes to get a special discount while checking out.

How Doctors Test The Problem?

As it is mentioned above, the doctors will perform the test according to the problem that you are dealing with. First of all, the doctor will talk to you and get to know about the symptoms which you are facing. Then he or she will prescribe the suitable treatment and taken the needed samples. The following samples will be collected in the time of sexually transmitted disease test.

  • Urine sample.
  • Swab from genitals (for men).
  • Swab from cervix (for women).
  • Blood sample.
  • Swab of sore or discharge.
  • Swab from mouth.

Some of the doctors will let you know the results immediately after testing the sample whereas some of them use to send the samples to laboratory and get the results. It will be based on the test which is being taken.

How Much Does STD Test Cost?

The cost for the STD (sexually transmitted disease) test may vary on the basis of the test which is prescribed by the doctor. Normally everyone will have health insurance therefore they are able to claim it when they are about to get treatment for sexually transmitted disease. In fact, the individuals who are having health insurance do not need to pay anything for the test. But some of the hospitals may charge amount even if the individuals have health insurance. In such cases, they have to pay around $10 to $30 for every test they are getting.

People who do not have health insurance will have to pay $50 to $200 for the STD tests. Most of the individuals would like to get HIV test added with STD test. Those people have to pay $300 to $400. If you are student, then you are able to take the test in your university health center at a discount charge. Apart from the tests, the doctor fees will be charged from $10 to $30 if the person is having health insurance. Otherwise the doctor fees will be around $80 to $200.

What STD Can be Found in a Blood Test?

Everyone may wonder what will be identified through the samples. Particularly when a blood test is taken, individuals will be very curious to know the results. Blood tests are being taken in various tests but you may have a doubt why does a STD test needs blood samples. Actually the blood samples will be effective to identify various problems. For example, by analyzing the blood samples, the doctors are able to identify the following

  • Syphilis
  • Human Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
  • Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
  • Herpes Simplex Virus

How Are STD Tests Done?

The tests will be performed differently on the basis of the infection. If you want to know the general tests which are being performed by the medical experts, then you can go through the methods listed below.

  • Blood sample: The doctor may take a sample of your blood by using a needle or by stabbing on your finger to get drops of blood.
  • Urine sample: Getting urine sample is one common thing which is taken in many tests and treatment. Similarly here also you will have to give your urine sample. You will have to urinate in a cup which is provided by the doctor.
  • Physical test: For men, the doctor will look at their anus or genitals to identify any kind of infection. Meanwhile for women, pelvic exam will be conducted.
  • Cell, tissue, saliva and discharge samples: Doctor may ask you to swap and collect samples of your discharge and saliva in order to identify the infections through microscope.

Do You Need STD Testing?

If you are a person who is sexually active and have sex with multiple partners without any protection then you should take a STD test to ensure your sexual health. You cannot identify this problem with any symptoms therefore you need to take test voluntarily. It is because there are many chances for the individuals to be affected by the problem without any symptoms. Therefore you need to stay alert and take the test as often as possible. You can also recommend your partner to take such tests.

You would know that STD tests can be performed in different manners and also you can take the tests to identify various problems. But it is very important to test whether you are having the following problems.

  • Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea
  • Syphilis & Hepatitis
  • Genital Herpes
  • HIV & HPV

How to Get Tested for STDs?

You should always be conscious about your sexual health and take necessary steps to maintain it properly. There are number of things that you need to consider when it comes to maintaining sexual health and STD is one of the most imperative things. You have to be very cautious and make sure that you are not affected by any of the sexually transmitted diseases. You need to get proper tests often and get proper treatment if there is any problem with you.

Quick STD Testing Reviews:

STD Testing Coupon Codes

There are some STD testing services that stand out from others. We have made a quick review of top STD testing services that can help you in selecting the most appropriate service for yourself:

Top Online STD Testing Services:

Health Testing Centers

health testing centers coupon codeHealth Testing Centers is STI/STD laboratory test provider which offers a convenient test with a high confidentiality. offers in lab or at-home STD testing that eliminate all the privacy issues. It aims to empower their customer controlling and prioritizing their health. Lets Get Checked is specifically well-known for its Total STD at Home Test Kit which are the revolutionary way to perform the biological test.

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Personalabs has been working in this industry for more than 10 years. They offer customer service via phone and live chat. They provide the affordable STD testing with rapid result turnaround time. If your test has any abnormality, doctor will check your results. Personal labs offer 400 tests to choose from as their testing services are not only restricted to STDs; they provide testing for blood, pregnancy, allergies etc. Personalabs have over 2,300 labs nationwide. They keep all your tests private and confidential. The results are available within 48 hours.

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Rapid STD Testing

RapidSTDTesting.comRapid STD Testing is an online blood testing service. The idea is to provide any individuals a direct access to lab test with individual confidentiality. is also one of US’s leading STD testing providers with hundreds of STD tests available such as RapidSTD Basic Panel, RapidSTD Test Panel or individual STD testing… It offers a fast and affordable blood test for anyone who needs it. Privacy, affordability, reliability, and confidentiality are their main concerns in providing lab test online.

STD Check allows 100% confidential STD testing. All of their tests are FDA approved. They allow you to make your booking online and then you just walk in to their nearby lab and get tested within 5 minutes. All the results will be available within a day or two. Same day STD testing is also available. There are more than 4,000 testing centers nationwide.

Many people don’t go for STD checking because of the embarrassment they feel. All these STD testing services provide private testing with confidential results that are shared with no one but you. Get your STD check today for the sake of you and yours partners health.

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Priority STD Testing

Priority STD Testing coupon has been providing its services for many years. They claim to provide the lowest possible testing rates. They have over 4,000 STD test centers nationwide. You have to give your order online and then visit the nearby STD testing center. All the tests results will be kept private and available within three business days. You can select from doctor recommended 10-Panel Test or individual tests.

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True Health Labs

True Health allows easy STD testing service that is private, fast and affordable. Their professional services provide access to the certified medical experts and labs. They have over 2,000 STD test clinics nationwide. Depending on the type of the test you have ordered, the results are available in the short time of 24-hour or 3-5 business days.

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myLAB offers at-home STD testing services whereby the patients order for the STD tests on the site, collect and mail the required samples to the company, and receive their results in their accounts, all without the inconvenience or embarrassment of having to book an appointment or visit the lab or doctor’s office.

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Walk-in Lab

walkinlabWalk-in Lab was founded 2009. They have helped a lot of people to get STD tested with outstanding service by maintaining integrity and confidentiality. They are the leading online clinic with certified sexual health experts who are experienced. Having the experienced sexual health experts the Walk in Lab has benefited thousands of patients regarding STD testing and treatment. Likewise 1000’s of people, who wanted to have STD test secretly, got benefited using their service. They have health representatives who will counsel and advise and also clarify any kind of doubts regarding STD testing, STD symptoms. This online clinic is always best in explaining the test panels they have and help the patients to choose the test panels as per the symptoms they have. They are famous for faster results and giving conveniences to the people.

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TestClear is one of the best online company for drug test. They offer different drug testing kits for various drug tests such as: saliva tests, urine test, sweat test, hair test…etc. It gives fast results and keeps all the information confidential. All their tests are FDA approved. They provide their products at wholesale rates. Their tests are ideal for law enforcing agencies, schools, colleges, parents, offices and other firm for whom health testing service is important.

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