Nurx Coupon Code & Review
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Nurx Review – Should We Trust Nurx Testing Services?
The advanced era of technology followed by the easy access to information has created immense awareness towards health issues. Sexual health which might become a taboo topic in several parts of the world is now having a wide place in online platform discussions. No wonder, the number of people being educated in sexual health issue keeps increasing.
More and more people begin to acknowledge several infectious diseases as well as the ways of preventing them. Most of them are also informed about various tests conducted for screening the diseases. Those tests are available in many health centers around the globe.
In spite of people’s great awareness as well as the availability of the places for conducting the tests, other issues arising. Not all people find it convenient to meet the doctor as discussing sexual health issues, even to the professional, can sometimes be embarrassing. The long line to conduct the test can also be an obstacle.
Nurx attempts to answer the aforementioned issues by involving technology in providing the services. The company believes that maintaining health, particularly sexual health, is fundamental. Any barrier to making it come true should not block the way.
Who is Nurx?
Nurx is an online platform that provides some services supporting sexual health mainly for women. Services dealing with birth control can be accessed on its official site. Additionally, testing kits to check or prevent some sexually transmitted diseases are also available as one of their services.
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Who Will Need This Health Testing Service?
Nurx attempts to cut off any obstacles people meet in maintaining their sexual health. All you need to get their services are opening your laptop or smartphone and be online. Although Nurx cannot replace the primary health provider of yours, it offers an easy and fast way to get the basic medication.
The company was founded by Dr. Edvard Engesaeth and Hans Gangeskar. They are supported by certified and world-class doctors, physicians, and nurses in the practice. The company strongly believes in 3 things that people should have from their health care: choice, control, and freedom.
Why Should I Choose Nurx Tests?
Having a choice means you can make decisions about your own health and body. Nurx offers various choices of birth control. There are more than 50 types of birth control from different brands available at Nurx. From the pill to patch, shot, and vaginal ring, all of them are within your range of selection.
Choosing Nurx as your health provider will also let you have control of your own sexual health. You can plan ahead and avoid further complications in your life. Several testing kits as well as birth controls are available for you to select and use.
Freedom is also a plus point that makes Nurx stand out as a health care provider. Nurx frees you from the hassle you might face in getting your medication. You do not have to wait in the health center nor you have to sit face to face with the doctor discussing your sexual health issue. You can also be free from any probable judgment coming due to your sexual medication. Nurx makes sure that all your packages are sent to your address in full confidentiality.
Nurx is very suitable for you who are seeking health professionals to talk about your sexual health yet has no time for a doctor appointment or find doctor appointment not convenient enough. Although existing in an online platform, consultation sessions with the professionals are available. It quite explains why Nurx is suitable for everybody’s needs.
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Currently, there are several products and tests available at Nurx’s official site. You can have access to birth control, emergency contraception, and HIV PrEP at Nurx. Furthermore, various tests such as STI testing and HPV screening are also available.
Nurx offers you many options for birth control. Pills as the famous type of birth control are available in many brands as well as generic pills. You can find and select the pill that fits you the best. The choices are yours. It will cost you $15 without insurance.
However, if you do not feel like taking a pill daily, you can consider the shot, the vaginal ring, or the patch as your birth control. Each of them has its pros and cons. Talking about birth control, there is no one size fits all. You need to find the one that works best for you.
If you feel uncertain of what birth control to take, customer support is provided by Nurx. They can be reached by phone. Accredited nurses and other professionals are there to help and guide you.
Getting your birth control from Nurx is a piece of cake. Simply follow some steps below.
- Get started by requesting your prescription. You will be asked to answer some quick questions.
- Nurx’s staff will analyze your needs. Then, a prescription will be made for you.
- The medication package will be sent to your address. To keep confidentiality, the package will not be branded.
- If you get a repeat prescription, the medication will be delivered to you automatically at its exact time. However, you are free to cancel it anytime you want.
Emergency contraception or usually called ‘the morning-after pill’ is a savior when you have unprotected sex yet avoiding the unwanted pregnancy. This pill works by stopping to produce an egg from the ovaries temporarily. You must take the pill as soon as possible after sex to prevent pregnancy.
Nurx has two options of brands for the morning-after pill namely Ella and Plan B. Ella works well for 5 days after the unprotected sex, while Plan B works best merely for 3 days after it. They are also different in pricing. Plan B costs $20 without insurance. Ella doubled the price of Plan B for $45. If you wish to have emergency contraception from Nurx, follow these steps.
- You have to request the prescription by answering some questions related to your health.
- The medical providers will review it and write the prescription.
- Your prescription will be delivered to your door in a discreet package. Or else, it will be sent to the nearest pharmacy to your location for a pickup.
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is one of the sexually-transmitted viruses. There are over 150 kinds of HPV that can occupy the human body. Nurx provides a screening that covers 14 kinds of HPV with the highest risk leading to cervical cancer.
You do not have to visit the health center for this kind of screening test. Nurx will send its HPV test kit to your home by paying the service for $49 with insurance and $79 without any insurance. The fee includes the test kit, lab test results, and delivery fee. It takes you simple steps as well to conduct the test.
- Place a request for the test. There are some questions you need to answer to get started. Having done, Nurx will send the HPV test kit to your home in a discreet package.
- You take the test on your own at home by following the instructions available on the box. Then, send it back to the lab by sticking the pre-paid label.
- After getting the results, Nurx will contact you and discuss the next steps to be taken (if any).
Sexually-transmitted disease (STD) or sexually-transmitted infection (STI) can be prevented once the symptoms are revealed earlier. The symptoms of STD/ STI do not always turn into a disease when several prevention steps can be accomplished. A screening test is therefore needed to be done.
Nurx offers many packages of STD/ STI testing ranging from the basics covered kit to healthy woman kit and full control kit. Different packages perform different coverage of the screening test. The infections that are included in the test are chlamydia and gonorrhea (genital, throat, rectal), trichomoniasis, HIV, syphilis, and Hep C.
Using insurance, each of the packages will cost $75. Meanwhile, without insurance, the fee of the basics kit is $150, the healthy woman kit is $190, and the full control kit will charge you for $220. The steps to conducting the test at your home is the same as the HPV screening test.
Descovy and Truvada are two big producers of pills for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). The pills are said to be effective in preventing HIV. However, these pills work merely as prevention. In other words, those who already live with HIV cannot use the pills.
To be eligible for PrEP, you must pass through an HIV/ STD/ STI screening test beforehand. The screening test should also be repeated every 3 months to make sure you are still eligible for PrEP. The Nurx PrEP screening test will cost you $129 to $199 without insurance and $35 with insurance.
To get the Nurx’s HIV PrEP, there are some steps to be accomplished listed below.
- Ask for the prescription by answering some questions about your health condition. Eligible for PrEP, Nurx will send you a testing kit in a discreet box.
- Do the test at home and send back the sample to the lab by sticking the pre-paid label.
- Once the lab result comes out, the doctors will review if the PrEP is suitable for you.
- The medical staff at Nurx will send you three-month doses of pills. To continue the PrEP, a lab test is needed every three months.
- Before the doses run out, Nurx will send you the testing kit needed to keep on the PrEP medication.
A Few Nurx Reviews from Actual Customers:
Here are some of other original Nurx customer reviews from reviews sites:
Nozomi – says:
“Such an amazing app, always get a quick response and easy to use. So happy to use it! ”
Chelsea – says:
“Fast and easy! Made it much easier to get what I needed without going through the hassle of rearranging my very full busy days ”
and here from Dr.Anila Wahid, MD about Nurx testing services:
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Quick Reviews:
Here are some quick reviews for that will help you to know about them even further:
Website Layout
Nurx is seen as a great answer to some issues dealing with sexual health care. It is a convenient way to get yourself checked without having to hassle visiting a health center. Not having to see the doctor obviously save some of your money as direct consultation can sometimes be expensive. What is more to come is the fact that Nurx accepts some insurance.
Nurx can also be reached easily through their official site. The site is very eye-catching and user-friendly. Details on the products and tests are all available there. FAQs are also available to guide the first-user of this kind of service.
Additionally, Nurx also facilitates your privacy very well. Other people do not have to know what kind of test you are taking. You also do not have to feel hesitate nor embarrassed about having the test. It all can be done at home.
Customer Service & Online Support
The major point of all is of course the professional team behind Nurx. Even though having your medication prescribed through an online platform, you certainly want your health handled by the professionals, don’t you? Nurx has it all. The people supporting Nurx are all certified, professional, and world-class doctors, nurses, and physicians.
However, Nurx seems to be your last option if you are the type of person who is convenient for a face-to-face consultation. Furthermore, Nurx also has not covered the whole 50 states in the USA. It also does not have a live chat and relies merely on
All of the services you accept from Nurx can be covered by your health insurance. Nurx accepts many lists of private health insurance such as Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, and United Health Care to name a few. However, a one-time consultation fee for $12 that lasts for a year does not include in the insurance numbers to contact the professionals.
Nurx Review – So, Is Nurx Legit?
Considering all the certified professionals that support the company, Nurx is a legit online platform providing sexual health services. It also offers many benefits from a high level of privacy to easy access and competitive price. In spite of its less live chat support, Nurx remains a recommended health service for you. Please remember to check our Nurx coupon codes to get discount at checkout.
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Category: STD Test Coupons